A Tale of Two Energy Sources

The Advantages of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is expanding as an energy source that is cleaner, more economical, and easier to harvest. Some of the most significant advantages are the abundance of supply, little to no residual pollution, and support of secondary industries. Dams create lakes for recreation and residential development, biomass reduces landfill, and land designed for single use industry now has a secondary purpose.


The Challenges of Renewable Energy

However renewable energy is not without its disadvantages. Since renewable resources are often most available in remote areas, production and distribution of energy can create barriers of their own as an economical option for the end user.  Energy demand is never at a consistent rate. Maintaining a constant supply and demand is not possible or realistic without additional support from large capacity energy storage. Now add in natural challenges of cloudy days, calm breezes, or extended periods without rain, and your source of natural energy input is hampered.


A Workable Solution

The good news is renewable energy and nonrenewable energy can work in perfect harmony in ways that promote the advantages of both. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) store the power generated from renewable energy sources to supplement demand, avoiding peaks and valleys of renewable sources and taking full advantage of the steady power supply traditional energy sources like lead batteries offer. Using lead batteries in this capacity also extends their usage life by avoiding wide variances in typical power drain and recharging cycles.

The key is to select the right nonrenewable energy source to store and supply energy at peak times. Read more about selecting the right battery in this free eBook.

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