Crown News




Crown Battery Celebrates 95 Years

1926, a small town in Ohio: A German immigrant opens a battery repair shop in Fremont.

Forklift Battery Charging Best Practices

Without proper charging and maintenance, you could be in for a rude awakening when you return leased batteries or try to get warranty claims after early failure. Why? Because all batteries require care to operate at their best. And every battery lessor and warranty requires proper charging and maintenance.

Battery Start-Up Guide: Get Ready to Power Up the Warm Weather Fun

Ready, Set, Spring! It’s been a long winter. And aren’t they all when you are chomping at the bit to tool your cart up to the first tee box or open the throttle when leaving the marina’s no-wake zone? But before you take off, there's a few things you'll need to check in your battery for a smooth start to your spring activities. That’s why Crown is here to help get you back to the activities you ...