Crown News




Crown Battery Honored with MHEDA Most Valuable Supplier Award for 5th Consecutive Year

FREMONT, OH – CROWN BATTERY, a recognized leader in the material handling industry, has been awarded the prestigious MVS (Most Valuable Supplier) Award for its outstanding achievements in 2024 by their industry trade association, The Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA). This achievement marks the 5th consecutive year that Crown Battery has achieved the Award.

Keys to Effective, Large-Scale Energy Storage

Large-scale energy storage can reduce your operating costs and carbon emissions – while increasing your energy reliability and independence…

Made in the USA: How American battery manufacturing benefits you

Choosing batteries made in the USA gives you an unexpected strategic advantage…

5 Ways to Ensure You Have Enough Backup Power

Backup power keeps the lights on during power outages, extreme weather events like wildfires and cold snaps, and more.

Space-Age R&D in 3D: How new technology helps us build better batteries

“NASA uses our 3D-measuring FARO arm to replicate space shuttle repair parts… in space”

Electric Vehicle (EV) Battery and Charging Evolution: From the 1800s to the Future

Batteries helped the Lunar Roving Vehicle explore the moon – and continue to power everything from trains and warehouse forklifts to golf carts, scissor lifts, and passenger vehicles.

Going Off-Grid: How to Eliminate Electric Bills and Outages

As power bills rise and grid-tied net metering subsidies phase out, more and more people are going off–grid – creating and storing their own power for greater reliability, resilience, and ROI.

How to Select Lead-Acid Batteries for Farming and Other Agricultural Applications

You don’t plant crops by hand anymore because machines work better – so why settle for batteries assembled with a hammer and blowtorch?

Advances in Battery Manufacturing: Crown Battery’s Approach to Sustainable Manufacturing

Some battery manufacturers still use 20th-century techniques. Here’s how Crown’s manufacturing advances improve battery life, reliability, and ROI – and reduce your environmental footprint:

5 Strategies that Boost Lead-Acid Battery Life

When your lead-acid batteries last longer, you save time and money – and avoid headaches. Today's blog post shows you how to significantly extend battery life.