Crown News




Living the Dream of Net-Zero Energy & Storage

If you’ve ever felt the sting of a high electric bill... -- or if you’ve dreamed of living big off the grid -- ... then this case study will arm you with some of the secrets to making net-zero living work.

Batteries for Off-Grid and Mobile Living

The right batteries can deliver longer life, lower maintenance, and reduce costs – and help ensure you have power when you need it. But batteries aren’t made equal, and there is no one-size-fits-all technology. So how do you find out which batteries are best for your renewable energy/off-grid application? In this article for Solar Power World, Crown Battery’s John Connell, reveals what to look ...

Quick Tips About Using Renewable Energy

Renewable energy systems have come a long way in the past decade. No longer does renewable energy only mean acres of wind turbines or solar panels, though an increased commitment to clean energy sources in the United States and worldwide does mean more commercial-scale wind and solar farms are contributing to the energy grid. Rather, renewable energy has become accessible on an individual and ...

How Battery Dealers Can Teach Customers About Battery Maintenance

Your customers want to know that the battery investment they make is going to last. They want to feel secure that they are not going to find their forklift dead during a busy shipping season or their boat stuck in the dock on the first day of fishing season. Of course, all batteries die at some point. But the better a battery is maintained, the longer its life will be. And it is your job as a ...

How Industries Can Be Environmentally Friendly

The U.S. Global Change Research Program recently released its much-anticipated Climate Science Special Report, and its forecast for climate change in the next century is a call to take action now. Individuals are given plenty of information about reducing their impact on the environment, such as using electric or fuel-efficient cars and lowering their energy consumption, but each person can only ...

Product Spotlight: Eco-Friendly Monobloc 6CRP525 Battery

The eco-friendly Monobloc 6CRP525 is designed from the ground up for renewable energy. The 6-volt battery has a 525 Ah (100-hour rating) capacity. It uses robotic assembly, the industry’s heaviest plates, and more active materials for enhanced performance and lifespan. If you are interested in renewable energy options, keep reading.

Home Power Exclusive: Top Considerations in FLA Battery Installation

How do you get longer life and stay safe installing your batteries? Crown Battery’s John Connell breaks down the keys to effective installation.

Should Battery Dealers Bargain Shop for Batteries? 

Batteries, especially batteries for specialty vehicles and equipment, don’t come cheap. But for purchasing managers who keep a close eye on their project budget, it’s tempting to shop around for the best deal. Is bargain hunting worth it when it comes to supplying your customers with batteries? And more importantly, is it the best way for battery dealers to grow a sustainable business and ...

How to Recycle Your Old Car Battery This Earth Day

Standard car batteries are 98% recyclable -- more recyclable than an aluminum can.

How to Get Your Boat Battery Ready for Spring

Your batteries turn your starter motor and run your GPS, radio, and fish finder. But chances are, they've been lying unused since you winterized your boat. So how do you de-winterize your batteries and ensure they deliver maximum performance and service life?