How Industries Can Be Environmentally Friendly

The U.S. Global Change Research Program recently released its much-anticipated Climate Science Special Report, and its forecast for climate change in the next century is a call to take action now. Individuals are given plenty of information about reducing their impact on the environment, such as using electric or fuel-efficient cars and lowering their energy consumption, but each person can only do so much. Industries such as mining, drilling, and manufacturing can have huge negative impacts on the environment, but they also have the potential to swing that around. Here’s how big industries can be eco-friendly:

1. Use Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel

The EPA began regulating sulfur levels in diesel fuel back in 1993, and began phasing in tighter controls in 2006. Prior to 1993, diesel could contain as much as 5,000 parts per million (ppm) of sulfur. Low sulfur diesel brought that down to 500 ppm, and the ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) regulations being phased in mandate just 15 ppm. These regulations reduce harmful emissions from both onroad and nonroad diesel sources by 90 percent. Making a conscious effort to choose ULSD for any diesel engines in use can help your company go green.

2. Understand Your Energy Use

It’s no secret that big industries use a lot of energy. But do you know exactly where your energy is going? Now is a good time to do an energy audit of your most energy-intensive processes. There may be places where you’re actually paying too much for energy that is going to waste, or areas where you can move energy use to off-peak hours to reduce strain on the grid. Opting for high-quality rechargeable batteries and efficient industrial battery chargers where possible keeps your business running at optimal productivity while helping you slim down your energy costs.


3. Switch to Renewable Energy

Renewable energy systems have advanced in leaps and bounds, but public perception hasn’t quite caught up. There is a widespread view that energy from renewable sources isn’t being produced at a magnitude that can sustain large industries, but that is no longer the case. Large-scale wind, solar, and hydropower plants across the country produce energy that is available for direct purchase or from energy providers. You can also look into producing renewable energy directly to supplement your energy use - the roofspace in industrial complexes could be prime real estate for solar panels.


4. Properly Treat Industrial Waste

Industrial waste can devastate local ecosystems. For example, Lake Erie, whose shores touch the borders of Ontario, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York, has areas that have been periodically declared “dead,” or deprived of life-sustaining levels of oxygen, since the 1960s due to industrial waste dumping. By ensuring that industrial waste is properly treated and disposed of, not only can industries protect the environments and communities in which they work, but they also have the potential to save money by recycling recovered substances back into production.


With devastating climate changes looming on the horizon, we need to begin making changes to the way we consume energy and interact with the environment now. Every change helps, and as more businesses and industries take up the mantle of environmental protection, more people will understand the need for action.


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