Preparing for MODEX 2022

This year’s MODEX promises to be even more exciting and forward-looking than the last one.

But with more than 850 companies attending, there are more options than time. That’s why we’re sharing some of our favorite hacks and tactics -- to reduce stress, prepare faster, and get the most out of your time at the show.

Make your travel plans – and share them

MODEX 2022 takes place March 28th - 31st, 2022 at Atlanta’s Georgia World Congress Center. You can register for free at



If you haven’t booked your flight yet, many tradeshow experts advise booking your return flight for the morning or afternoon after the show ends. This eliminates frantic drives to the airport, and it allows extra time to meet up with contacts you missed earlier in the show.


Once you book your flight, forward it to your team and anyone else who might need it (significant others, etc.).



As we write this, hotels with business amenities and convenient locations are still available.

It’s usually best to find out whether your company has already reserved discounted rooms or has other special arrangements.

MODEX also lists nearby hotels with discounted rates here:



As always, MODEX Backyard has extensive food options. There are also restaurants and full-service cafés at the convention center.

If you’re looking to venture beyond the regular restaurant-finding apps, MHI links to Discover Atlanta’s in-depth restaurant recommendations.


Let your favorite customers, sales reps, vendors, and partners know you’ll be attending

There is no better time to catch up in person, and it’s easy. You can just send them a personal email or message on LinkedIn – and see if they like to meet up.

You can also reach more people by adding a MODEX banner to your corporate website or spreading the word that you’ll be attending MODEX using social media.


Check out the Health and Safety rules – they could change quickly

As of when this was written, all people are required to wear a mask when indoors (even if fully vaccinated). MHI recommends everyone have a COVID vaccination (boosted is safest). And they strongly recommend taking a COVID test as well.

Find out the latest at MODEX’s Health and Safety webpage.


Choose which seminars you want to attend

There are more than 100 educational seminars at this year’s event, covering a variety of topics from automation and uptime to sustainability, logistics, and more.

We find it easiest to block out time in the calendar for the most promising events. And consider inviting colleagues, vendors, and other contacts to join you. It’s an easy way to meet up, stay connected, and develop relationships.


Here are hand-selected events you might find interesting:

Monday, March 28, 2022:
  • Women Leadership with Erika Alexander, Chief Global Operations Officer for Mariott International – 8:45 AM (Booth #C5572)
  • “I Just Can’t Hire People” - The New Economics of Distribution Centers – 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM (Theater D)
  • Adaptations Abound: How COVID Has Re-Shaped Supply Chains – 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM (Theater I)
  • Women in Supply Chain Forum – 12:00 PM - 4 PM; networking reception from 4 PM - 5 PM (Room #B402)
    (NOTE: Separate admission)
  • MHI- Solutions Community - Latest & Greatest Advances @ MODEX 22 – 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM (Theater I)
  • To Automate or Not to Automate – 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM (Theater J)
  • MHI Young Professionals Networking Event – 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM (Room #B405)
    (No registration required; wear your MODEX 2022 badge)

Tuesday, March 29, 2022:

  • A Conversation with Dr. Sanjay Gupta (Preparing for the next pandemic) – 8:45 AM (Booth B2205)
  • The Quiet Revolution: AI-powered warehouse automation has emerged from the lab and into the real world – 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM (Theater A)
  • Achieving Customer Satisfaction in the New Normal of E-Commerce – 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM (Theater F)
  • MHI's SLAM Industry Group Presents - Best Practices in the Last 100 Feet of Fulfillment – 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM (Theater I)
  • A Decade for Climate Action: The Supply Chain Imperative – 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM (Theater D)

Wednesday, March 30, 2022:

Thursday, March 31, 2022
  • Using Artificial Intelligence to Avoid Safety Violations by MHE – 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM (Theater B)
  • 10 Racking Mistakes Warehouse Managers Must Avoid – 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM (Theater F)
  • Warehouse Automation Strategies for the Post COVID-19 World – 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM (Emerging Technologies Theater)

Click here for the full list of on-floor seminars and details.


Visit Crown Battery at Booth #B1619!


Tags: Tradeshows

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