Crown News




Crown Battery Honored with MHEDA Most Valuable Supplier Award for 5th Consecutive Year

FREMONT, OH – CROWN BATTERY, a recognized leader in the material handling industry, has been awarded the prestigious MVS (Most Valuable Supplier) Award for its outstanding achievements in 2024 by their industry trade association, The Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA). This achievement marks the 5th consecutive year that Crown Battery has achieved the Award.

Crown Battery Honored with MHEDA Most Valuable Supplier Award for 4th Consecutive Year

Crown Battery, a distinguished leader in the material handling industry, proudly announces that it has been bestowed with the prestigious Most Valuable Supplier (MVS) Award for its exceptional achievements in 2024 by The Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association(MHEDA). This remarkable accomplishment marks Crown Battery's fourth consecutive year receiving the MVS Award.

ProMat 2023: Highlights, Networking, and Education

ProMat 2023 reveals where the industry is headed and helps you stay up-to-date and grow your professional network. But there are 157 educational sessions and multiple networking get-togethers, so seeing everything you want is impossible. To help, we've curated our favorite planning tips -- and combed through every educational session to select highlights.

ProMat 2023: 5 Essential Steps for a Successful Trade Show Experience

ProMat is North America’s largest expo for the material handling and logistics industry. This year's event, scheduled for March 20-23, 2023, is an excellent opportunity to network, learn about the latest products and trends, find suppliers, and make meaningful connections that can help build your career and company. With more than 1,000 providers and 150+ education sessions, it is impossible to ...

Crown Battery Wins 3rd Consecutive Most Valuable Supplier Award

We’re pleased to announce that Crown Battery was named 2023 Most Valuable Supplier by the Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA), making this the third consecutive year we have received this award. This prestigious award is granted those organizations that have exhibited exemplary commitment to their dealer network, employees and community, and is presented to less than ten ...

National Battery Day 2023: Strategies for Sustainability and Profit

Batteries are essential for our everyday lives – they power everything from our cellphones and laptops to grocery store distribution centers, our kids’ school busses, solar-powered homes, and hospitals’ emergency generators.

Sen. Brown & Export-Import Bank President Tour Crown Battery OH HQ

As part of the Make More in America initiative, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown and Export-Import (EXIM) Bank President Reta Jo Lewis visited our factory – to see firsthand how EXIM Bank and smart government policies are helping us create good jobs in America.

Export Success: Sherrod Brown's Template for Selling Abroad

Crown Battery has exported its recyclable lead-acid batteries to more than 60 countries – and we couldn’t have done it alone. For more than 20 years, Crown Battery has worked with the US Export-Import (EXIM) Bank to expand to global markets. EXIM has helped us to create jobs, expand production facilities, and give back even more to Ohio and our community. The Fremont News-Messenger sat down with ...

Customers' Real-World Results: Improve ROI, battery life, and uptime

If you depend on batteries in business or at home, then you know that real-world results -- and tips -- beat marketing hype every time.

Photoshopping "Green" Batteries (North American Clean Energy)

You’ve seen the photos in battery ads: A pristine lawn. Solar panels, maybe a wind turbine. And “green” batteries strutting in the foreground.